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Getting the Ultimate Small Pet


When people think about getting a small pet they will usually think about guinea pigs and hamsters, but what is the difference and which small pet will be the best for you? Also why is a gerbil different from a guinea pig? Or why are they different from a hamster?  Do these small pets all behave similarly or are they totally different from one another and offer different types of experiences?


When it comes down to guinea pigs they actually take frequent naps all day long so whenever you want to play with one they will usually have the energy to entertain you. Which makes guinea pigs nice to have because they will not keep you awake during the night like a hamster or a gerbil would because they are nocturnal, so if you want to have a good night sleep then it is a good idea to take into account a pet that is not nocturnal. You may find cheap pet cages online.


There is millions of people just in this country who actually have their own guinea pig as their small pet, believe it or not.


That is a lot of people, especially since guinea pigs do not get that much fame or even press for that matter compared to pets like hamsters and gerbils which people are always talking about. A lot of families out there believe that cute guinea pigs are awesome pets and they are wonderful small pets for their kids to take care of.


Here are some different reasons why the guinea pig is so popular and they are the perfect small pet if you have children.


If your kids will love to hold guinea pigs and carry them around as if they were a baby, which is pretty cute. And the best part is the fact that guinea pigs love to be cuddled and they love to be held and they are the perfect size for a little kid to hold as well unlike a hamster or a gerbil which would rather be left to their own devices.


Guinea pigs are extremely smart animals with unique personalities and they will even give you affection as well which is amazing while other similar animals such as the hamster they will typically not even care about you. And that is the basics when it comes down to small pets and why the guinea pig is the ultimate small pet for your children compared to other pets like the hamster. You can also learn more facts about small pets by checking out the post at

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